Anna Blum


Psychoscope Interview with Florence von Gunten

20.01.2024 / YLAH founder and CEO Florence von Gunten reports in the Psychoscope magazine of the Federation of Swiss Psychologists (FSP) on the possibilities of blended psychotherapy and how our software can be used as the first Swiss solution for this. This latest edition is dedicated to change psychology over time. After 44 years, the […]

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YLAH at NextIn Business

01.12.2023 / YLAH and Florence von Gunten were featured in the program on Sat.1 Switzerland. How can individuals with mental health conditions be better cared for? The acute shortage of professionals and the ever-increasing demand call for new solutions. The program revolves around the digitization of the treatment of mental health conditions. It delves into […]

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YLAH in the Third Round of the «Future of Health Grant»-Programme

26.09.2023 / YLAH is the only company to advance to stage 3 of the “Future of Health Grant”-programme by CSS and EPFL. Within this grant programme, selected startups receive financial support along with tailored coaching and mentoring in the field of digital health. Stage 3 represents the final stage before gaining access to the CSS […]

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1 Year YLAH AG – Happy Birthday

05.09.2023 / It’s a very special day for YLAH. From an idea at the intersection of research and practice, an innovative and professional software solution for the application of blended psychotherapy has emerged and is now ready for great things. This first year has been an incredible journey, marked by learning, growth, lots of fun, […]

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Founder Florence von Gunten in the flashMOOC on Mental Health

18.08.2023 / When am I actually mentally ill and in need of help? This question is addressed by Florence von Gunten in an interactive video from the University of Bern. In the new flashMOOC video, the focus is on the stories of Ella, Anne, and Michael. They illustrate that mental challenges can affect anyone. Asking […]

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Our advisory board member Ursula Uttinger in the vsao Journal

26.06.2023 / An app is quickly downloaded, the terms and conditions are of no interest. That is usually not a problem. It is more difficult with health apps that contain personal data. Ursula Uttinger, a lawyer and data protection expert, explains what to look out for when dealing with these apps. Ms Uttinger, how important […]

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Partnership with Psychiatrische Dienste Aargau

Bern / Windisch, May 23, 2023 – YLAH AG and PDAG will be joining forces. In Praxis für Ihre psychische Gesundheit Zofingen, one of the eight outpatient locations of PDAG, YLAH’s therapy platform is being tested in a pilot project and will be expanded to other locations in the future. The approach of so-called blended […]

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First YLAH Product Release

02.05.2023 / A success – YLAH-Release 1 went smoothly. Many thanks to all participants! The YLAH team presented the first version of the YLAH-therapy landscape to the members of the Board of Directors, the Advisory Board as well as existing and future investors. The application of YLAH was presented in a practical manner and the […]

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YLAH foundation story with the bernese cantonal bank BEKB

26.04.2023 / The bernese cantonal bank BEKB supported us in capturing the YLAH founding story in a video. In September 2022, YLAH reached a milestone: YLAH AG was founded! It takes a lot of courage and the right partners to found your own company. Together with BEKB as a partner, we took this step and […]

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YLAH in the Second Round of the «Future of Health Grant»-Programme

09.02.2023 / YLAH is one of seven selected startups that have made it to the second round of the «Future of Health Grant»-programme. The «Future of Health Grant»-programme to promote innovation in the field of digital health is going into the next round. Seven new startups will benefit from financial help and know-how to drive […]

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YLAH’s Partnership with Privatklinik Wyss AG

Bern / Münchenbuchsee, 31 January 2023 – YLAH AG and Switzerland’s oldest private clinic, Privatklinik Wyss AG (PKW), will be joining forces from May 2023. PKW has been using state-of-the-art, clinically validated and personalised therapy services for years and already has experience with blended psychotherapy. Going forward, YLAH’s therapy platform will be evaluated by doctors […]

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Research collaboration estabslished with the Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH

27.01.2023 / As part of a preliminary study, the Applied Machine Intelligence research group from the Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH is supporting the start-up YLAH with questions relating to data. YLAH’s digital therapy platform enables a «blended» therapy approach. That is, the personalized combination of on-site therapy and online psychotherapy. «YLAH is a […]

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