The therapist dashboard provides an overview and allows patients to be assigned different therapy activities.


Psychological assessments or clinical questionnaires are key as a basis for diagnosis and for accurate assessment of symptom trajectories for quality assurance purposes.

YLAH offers a range of validated open-source questionnaires in several categories such as:

  • General anxiety
  • Depression
  • Well-being
  • Sleep
  • Therapeutic alliance

Patients are guided through the digital questionnaires and automatically reminded when questionnaires are due at regular intervals. The analysis takes place automatically and is presented in an understandable form.


Interventions or therapeutic exercises are an essential part of therapy and enable patients to actively influence their mental states and find a beneficial way to handle daily life.

YLAH offers therapists a catalogue of various activities that can be individually assigned to patients. This catalogue is constantly being expanded to meet customer needs. We develop and test the interventions according to a defined quality standard.

Feedback loop

Feedback on interventions, therapeutic sessions, or other activities allows for continuous exchange about the process experience and corresponding adjustment.

With YLAH, comprehensive feedback can be obtained to best adapt the treatment to the patient. When data is routinely collected and analyzed, it becomes a control system for institutions about the treatments offered and the quality of their services. In the future, this feedback can be used to automatically recommend activities to patients and make online therapy even more efficient.