

1 Year YLAH AG – Happy Birthday

05.09.2023 / It’s a very special day for YLAH. From an idea at the intersection of research and practice, an innovative and professional software solution for the application of blended psychotherapy has emerged and is now ready for great things. This first year has been an incredible journey, marked by learning, growth, lots of fun, […]

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YLAH is Newcomer Of The Year 2022

30.06.2022 / YLAH was elected NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR 2022 – sponsored by BEKB. Awards sponsored by Berner Kantonalbank AG were presented at the Centre for Innovation and Digitalisation ZID Bernapark. 64 different StartUps – including YLAH – were nominated for the awards. Elected by a jury, YLAH was named Newcomer of the year 2022. […]

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