Anna Blum


YLAH in the CSS customer magazine: Health Study 2022

14.12.22 / YLAH is mentioned in the special supplement of the CSS Health Magazine, which is delivered to more than 1.3 million people in Switzerland! In the context of digitalisation in the field of mental health, the article on pages 12 and 13 presents the three start-ups Neuria, Gossik and YLAH, which have received funding […]

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Venture Fellowship of the Innovation Office – University of Bern

07.11.2022 / Florence von Gunten is one of four Venture Fellows of the newly founded Innovation Office at the University of Bern. She received the grant for her start-up YLAH, which is working on a digital solution for “blended psychotherapy”: the combination of classical psychotherapy with online tools. Interview: Nicola v. Greyerz Florence von Gunten, […]

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YLAH wins Innovation Boost from Innosuisse

14.10.2022 / We can keep exploring! We have just learned that our application has been accepted in the call for innovative “Revenue Models in Digital Health”. We have won CHF 15,000 to further validate and test our licensing model and the clickable YLAH prototype together with our future customers. Thank you NTN Innovation Booster – […]

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YLAH on the Swiss Digital Health STARTUP MAP

03.10.2022 / YLAH has mingled with other Swiss start-ups in the digital health sector. Thanks to the clear map of Health-Trends, you can see all the startups at a glance. Can you spot YLAH? Click here for the Startup Map! You can download the entire report for free.

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Grants, Partnerships

YLAH made it into the “Future of Health” Programme

26.09.2022 / The Future of Health Grant programme to support innovation in digital healthcare was launched in September 2022 in Lausanne. Ten selected start-ups will benefit from funding and know-how to help them accelerate the development of their solutions. YLAH as one of them! The 10 startups will benefit from financial support ranging from CHF […]

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YLAH in the final of the IFASinnovation Challenge

14.09.2022 / Cosanum is the initiator of the IFASinnovation Challenge. With this Start-Up Challenge, the health logistics company promotes innovation in the Swiss healthcare sector. As an innovative gamechanger, Cosanum supports promising young companies that want to renew the Swiss healthcare market with disruptive technologies and approaches. We made it to the final with YLAH! […]

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YLAH AG in the commercial register

12.09.2022 / It’s finally official: YLAH AG is registered in the commercial register! “The warm-up is done. Now the marathon begins!”These were the words of our board member Thierry Kneissler after the signing. YES! The official starting signal has been given, with Florence Olivia von Gunten, Cordelia TrĂĽmpy, Thierry Kneissler and Thomas Berger in the […]

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YLAH at SGGPsy Annual Congress

09.09.2022 / YLAH showed up at the SGGPsy Annual Congress for “Digital Transformation – Opportunities and Risks for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.” A great opportunity to bring the idea of blended psychotherapy to the people and thus go one step further in our mission to improve the Swiss health system. Thank you for all the exciting, […]

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YLAH at Health Terminal Podcast

08.09.2022 / Florence von Gunten was a guest on healthinal’s health teminal podcast and talks about her job as CEO of YLAH. In a pleasant interview she talks about what YLAH is all about, how blended psychotherapy is applied and gives an insight into the early days of YLAH. The health teminal podcast takes their […]

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YLAH is Newcomer Of The Year 2022

30.06.2022 / YLAH was elected NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR 2022 – sponsored by BEKB. Awards sponsored by Berner Kantonalbank AG were presented at the Centre for Innovation and Digitalisation ZID Bernapark. 64 different StartUps – including YLAH – were nominated for the awards. Elected by a jury, YLAH was named Newcomer of the year 2022. […]

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Venture Kick’s First Stage of Support

22.06.2022 / YLAH wins the first stage of Venture Kicks entrepreneurial and financial support at the same time as other companies. The winners were each supported with CHF 10,000. Venture Kick was launched in 2007 with the vision of doubling the number of spin-offs from Swiss universities, accelerating time-to-market and increasing the attractiveness of these […]

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Florence on the Board of the Association of Bernese Psychologists VBP

Florence von Gunten was elected to the Board of the Association of Bernese Psychologists VBP. The Association of Bernese Psychologists VBP is a cantonal member association of the Federation of Swiss Psychologists FSP. The VBP represents its members in the canton of Berne in professional political interests and concerns. By organising events, it networks its […]

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